Current Location:Home - Product - Skin drugs for external use
It is indicated for adrenal cortical hormone sensitive dermatitis associated with neomycin sensitive bacteria or double infection caused by the suspicious neomycin sensitive bacterial, including skin diseases like the contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis and types of eczemas.
View details >It is indicated for acne vulgaris.
View details >It is used for alleviating myositis, fasciitis and traumatic joint synovitis caused by sprain, bruise, pull and strain, as well as the local swelling and pain caused by ligamentous injury.
View details >It is indicated for suppurative skin diseases like the impetigo, furunculosis and epifolliculitis.
View details >It is indicated for externalia and perianal condyloma acuminate.
View details >It is indicated for allergic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and pruritus.
View details >1. It is indicated for skin and nail infection caused by dermophyte, saccharomycetes and other funguses. As the product has the antibacterial function toward gram positive bacteria, it is applicable for secondary infection arising from such bacteria. 2. It is applicable for vaginal infections and secondary infections caused by saccharomycetes (like the candidiasis) and gram positive bacteria.
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